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Secondary Teacher ( Paternity Leave)

Colegios Laude SL
Almeria, Spain
Date Added: Dec 16, 2024

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ISP Secondary Subject Specialism Teacher
Purpose of Role  
To be a dynamic and inspirational teacher of your specialist subject with in-depth knowledge and a real passion for this subject. Effective planning and the delivery of creative and dynamic lessons to all age groups from Key Stage 3 through to A Level is paramount as is promoting the application of your subject knowledge through a wide range of engaging, practical activities. You should have experience of teaching the exam syllabus for your subject at both GCSE and A Level and will strive to maintain the high standards already set in this subject, promoting inquisitive, reflective and independent learning and supporting all pupils to reach their own individual goals. You should be a strong team player with a practical and flexible approach to problem solving who is also keen to play a leading role in the continuing development and improvement of your subject and the implementation of a range of new learning initiatives across the school.
Role Specific Duties
  • To be responsible for the teaching of your specialist subject throughout the Secondary School (Key Stage 3 – 5, if required on timetable)
  • To raise awareness of and actively promote your subject across through a range of curricular, cross-curricular and extra-curricular activities
  • To promote your subject as an excellent option choice at IGCSE/AS and A Level
  • To ensure that your subject department is adequately resourced to meet pupil needs and course requirements and that technological resources are used appropriately. 
  • To create an inspiring learning environment for your specialist subject
  • To produce, enhance and constantly develop learning schemes for your specialist subject.
  • To be available to support teaching staff with help and training in your specialist subject.
Job Grade Specific to role -  Grade 5 
ISP Principles
Begin with our children and students. Our children and students are at the heart of what we do. Simply, their success is our success. Wellbeing and safety are both essential for learners and learning. Therefore, we are consistent in identifying potential safeguarding issues and acting and following up on all concerns appropriately.
Treat everyone with care and respect. We look after one another, embrace similarities and differences and promote the well-being of self and others.
Operate effectively. We focus relentlessly on the things that are most important and will make the most difference. We apply school policies and procedures and embody the shared ideas of our community.
Are financially responsible. We make financial choices carefully based on the needs of the children, students and our schools.
Learn continuously. Getting better is what drives us. We positively engage with personal and professional development and school improvement.
ISP Teacher Key Responsibilities
  • Adhere to global ISP Principles and follow the criteria set out in the ISP Teacher Role Profile

  • Be accountable for leading, managing and developing teaching and learning in your key stage in line with age-related curriculum objectives and school policies.
  • Successfully carry out the role of a form tutor, monitoring and supporting the personal and academic needs of your tutor group.
  • This post receives 20% of the teaching timetable* as PPA time (8/40 periods of 40 minutes) during which staff may be asked to cover for absences when needed.
(*Please note that for non-tutors, this equates to 6/40 periods) 
Strategic Responsibilities

  • Support other members of staff to develop their expertise in planning and teaching in your curriculum area and in.other areas via the Leading the learning programme

  • Record, analyse and interpret data, in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team, in order to set targets to raise levels of achievement and take action as appropriate within your own subject area
  • Take responsibility for aspects of learning development in your year group and Key Stage. Contributing towards a whole school Learning Improvement Process  (LIP) and to the review and development of Learning Priorities which form part of the school’s annual School Improvement Plan (SIP) by producing subject specific policies and department-based improvement plans (DIP)
  • Regularly reflect upon your performance and the impact of learning in your classroom by fully engaging in the leading the learning process (at least 6 LTL visits per year) and setting individual targets via the school’s self evaluation programme (TLSE)
Teaching Responsibilities
Effective planning, teaching and classroom management, to teach across all Key Stages ( 3- 5) within the Secondary Department in order to achieve effective progression of learning through:

  • Identifying clear teaching objectives and specifying how they will be taught and assessed;
  • Setting engaging tasks which challenge pupils and ensure high levels of interest
  • Establishing high expectations of all pupils;
  • Providing regular verbal and written feedback and setting clear targets, building on prior attainment and encouraging reflection to improve learning;
  • Identifying SEN pupils (including high achievers) and ensuring their needs are met and that learning tasks are differentiated accordingly;
  • Providing clear structures for lessons by setting clear objectives and maintaining pace, motivation and challenge;
  • Making effective use of assessment and ensure coverage of topics, yearly objectives and exam syllabi;
  • Ensure teaching strategies are used to maximise the quality and quantity of learning which takes place in the classroom;
  • Monitoring and intervening to ensure effective learning and high standards of behaviour;
  • Ensuring pupils acquire new learning and are also given ample opportunities to consolidate knowledge, skills and understanding appropriate to the subject taught;
  • Evaluate your own teaching critically to improve effectiveness and encourage pupils to reflect and feedback on their learning experience in your subject.
Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting 

  • Assess how well learning objectives have been achieved and use them to improve specific aspects of teaching;
  • Regularly review and correct pupils' work and set targets for progress;
  • Assess and record pupils' progress systematically and keep records to check work is understood and completed in order to monitor individual progress and inform future planning 
  • Develop and apply clear criteria to when awarding grades and attainment levels to pupils
  • Carefully prepare and record data to be included in pupil progress reports and to present to parents when required at formal parent consultations and in any other meetings arranged to address academic issues
   Pastoral Care and Safeguarding

  • Effectively assist in the role of a form tutor when needed, attending to the pastoral needs to an allocated forms group;
  • Monitor the welfare and general well-being of all students 
  • Carry out termly reviews and set targets to improve progress, supported by their tutor and associate tutor;
  • Address any pupil concerns by referring to the form tutors and/or Key Stage Leader 
  • Promote the school values and encourage and ensure compliance to school rules;
  • Accurately record attendance and punctuality data and report any concerns to the Key Stage Leader/Head of Secondary;
  • Assist with the preparation and delivery of the PSHE curriculum as directed by the Head of Secondary;
  • Help to plan and participate assemblies during the school year
  • Immediately report any safeguarding concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead or a member of the safegue¡arding team via the school Myconcern platform
Operational Responsibilities

  • Adhere to and promote school policies and procedures, e.g. Behaviour for Learning, Anti-bullying, Health & Safety, Safeguarding etc. 
  • Work with fellow members of staff by sharing ideas on good practice. 
  • Keep up to date with developments in teaching practice and methodology
  • Share playground and lunchtime duties and responsibilities with other members of the team
  • Participate in continued professional development
  • Be an active member of the school community to support its vision, school values and its dedication to Constantly “getting better” and promoting amazing learning opportunities
Skills, Qualifications and Experience
  • Qualified Teacher Status (PGCE or BEd or equivalent) 
  • Degree level education or an equivalent professional qualification 
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies

  • A real passion for your specialist subject and a desire to constantly improve their pupils’ learning experience 
  • Thorough knowledge of your subject curriculum in Key stages 3 - 5       
  • Knowledge of a wide range of strategies to engage pupils and cater for a wide range of learning needs
  • Experience of preparing pupils for official external examinations (IGCSE and /or A Level)
  • A willingness to be flexible and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the school and its pupils
  • Enthusiasm and commitment to the successful development of your subject department
ISP Commitment to Safeguarding Principles
ISP is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All post holders are subject to appropriate vetting procedures and satisfactory Criminal Background Checks or equivalent covering the previous 10 years’ employment history.
ISP Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
ISP is committed to strengthening our inclusive culture by identifying, hiring, developing, and retaining high-performing teammates regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender expression, age, disability status, neurodivergence, socio-economic background or other demographic characteristics. Candidates who share our vision and principles and are interested in contributing to the success of ISP through this role are strongly encouraged to apply.  

ISP Teacher Role Profile

We put learners and learning first. Learning is affected by both internal factors (such as emotions, motivation and general health and wellbeing) and external factors (such as environment, curriculum and relationships). The external factor that has the most significant impact on our students’ learning is the teacher.
At ISP, everyone is a learner. So as one of our teachers, you are also a learner.  Together, we will embark on an ongoing process of exploring, expanding and evolving your practice in ways that directly impact and improve student learning.  
Learner (ISP definition)
Everyone at ISP is a learner. The ISP learner recognises that their mindset, experiences and  actions  drive  their  learning  outcomes.  With  this  awareness,  they  exercise  voice, choice,  and  ownership  over  their process of learning - leading their learning and the learning of others. 

ISP Principles

Begin with our children and students. Our children and students are at the heart of what we do. Simply, their success is our success. Wellbeing and safety are both essential for learners and learning. Therefore, we are consistent in identifying potential safeguarding issues and acting and following up on all concerns appropriately.
Treat everyone with care and respect. We look after one another, embrace similarities and differences and promote the well-being of self and others.
Operate effectively. We focus relentlessly on the things that are most important and will make the most difference. We apply school policies and procedures and embody the shared ideas of our community.
Are financially responsible. We make financial choices carefully based on the needs of the children, students and our schools.
Learn continuously. Getting better is what drives us. We positively engage with personal and professional development and school improvement.

ISP Teacher Role Profile

1.       Atmosphere. You enable students to learn in a safe, open, caring, collaborative and inclusive atmosphere. Your students feel confident to have open and honest conversations  about  their  learning  and  how  they  can  get  better.  You  create apositive atmosphere by building relationships, behaviours, and inclusive learning experiences  that  support  a  good  struggle  for  all  your  learners. You engage in professional and respectful dialogue with colleagues and the wider school and ISP  communities  about  learning  and  teaching,  with  a  shared  commitment  to getting better.
2.       Shared Ideas. You  know  and  model  your  school’s  values  and contribute to its mission and vision through your daily actions. Through all aspects of learning and teaching,  you  create  a  strong  sense  of  shared  behaviours  and  purpose  for learners and their learning.
3.       A Focus on Learners and Learning. You put learners and their learning first. Your understanding of the difference between learning and the factors that affect learning enables you to plan and support a good struggle for all your students to get  better.  You  are  committed  to  your  personal  and  professional  learning  and development, engaging in a series of learning visits and inquiries with colleagues and leaders to support your ongoing self-evaluation. You are an active and valued member of dynamic learning communities,
4.       Learning and Teaching. You put learners and their learning first in your design and facilitation of learning outcomes, content and experiences, which are underpinned by positive and supportive relationships. You understand the types and  phases  of learning and apply your knowledge, skills and understanding of these  to  effectively  facilitate  learning,  teaching,  and  assessing  to  meet  the personalised  needs  of  each  student.  You  empower students to lead their own learning, supporting them to monitor, assess and adjust their learning in response to  feedback.  You  continuously  inquire  into  the  process  of  learning,  making evidence-informed decisions and taking action to further improve learning and teaching.
5.       Evidence of Learning. You gather, document and analyse evidence of learning from various sources and use this to identify targets and action steps for improving  learning.  You  support  students  in  knowing  the  different  ways  their learning can be evidenced and how to use feedback and learning advice to get better.  Evidence  enables  you  to  make  secure  judgments  about  your  students’ learning  in  line  with  their  personal  learning  goals,  age  and  stage  appropriate expectations, and local, national and international benchmarking. You document and share evidence of learning to answer the questions: “What are my students learning?” and “How do I know?”.
6.       Leadership  for  Learning.  You  see  yourself  as  a  leader  for  learning  and demonstrate the same vision, values and commitment as school leaders to support students to continuously learn and get better. You take responsibility for where students are now with their learning and the targets and action steps needed  to  improve.  You  support  students  to  become  leaders  of  their  own learning by helping them develop their voice, choice and ownership of their learning process.
7.       Learning Spaces. You create and use spaces to support and demonstrate the school’s shared ideas about learners and learning and the ways in which students are  getting  better.  You  ensure  learning  spaces  (physical  and  digital)  are  safe, collaborative, accessible and inclusive, and enable students to play an active role in their development.
8.       In Partnership with Parents and Carers. You work in partnership with parents and carers,  communicating  with  them  regularly  about  their  child’s learning, inviting their feedback and using this feedback to improve learning. You help parents and carers understand the school’s shared ideas about learners and learning in ways that help them to engage confidently when talking about what their child is getting better at, what their next steps are, and how they will be supported at home. You ensure that the individual needs of parents and carers are understood and  that  they  feel  informed  and  involved  as  valued  members  of  the  school’s learning community.
9.       Improvement Planning. You  are  committed to learning and getting better and ensure this improvement happens strategically and effectively. You are active and accountable for your contribution in setting your own professional goals, targets and action steps that focus on improving learning and gathering evidence to demonstrate   these.   You   contribute   to   department   and   school   learning improvement   planning   where   possible   and   view   the   school’s   learning improvement plan as the central focus for getting better together.

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