Teaching Assistant Key Responsibilities
Requirements and duties:
Contributes appropriately with lesson planning and assessment processes including the
organization and management of books/files for individual children.
Prepares materials or equipment for class lessons, group work or for individual children.
Leads & assists groups of children or individuals with their tasks.
Reads stories to groups of children.
Prepares any ICT equipment (for example: computers, iPad, digital camera, DVD, Bee Bot, etc.).
Accompanies children on visits.
Comforts young distressed and vulnerable children in accordance with safeguarding procedures.
Prepares Art and Craft materials and/or tidy them away.
Mounts and displays children’s work appropriately.
Supervises children using the cloakroom (toilet)/playtimes/start time and home times especially at
transition times.
Labels and stores equipment appropriately.
Laminates and/or photocopy materials/resources.
Take part, on a daily basis, in the Rota which provides supervision in the playground at playtimes
and supervise at transition times especially at start time and home time
Maintains confidentiality about personal details revealed by the children
Reports incidents to Teacher and or Head of Early Years in accordance with the Safeguarding
Maintains and promotes the School’s professional reputation.
Bus Supervisor (When applicable)
Transport children to school by picking-up children at assigned stops; instructing children when it
is safe to board the vehicle; established loading and unloading procedures,
Maintains safe conditions while traveling by enforcing safety and discipline rules and following all
vehicle and driving laws as outlined by the School & DoT
Complete daily all pre-and post-trip inspections for safety and security by inspecting and
documenting the vehicle logs prior to completing daily shift.
Implement emergency plan in the event of an accident; appropriately administer to the needs of the
members on-board, administer first-aid, and complete accident report and documentation for all
accidents or incidents that occur in the bus.
Take daily attendance of students
Physically check the bus after every trip to be sure that no child is left behind
Provide assistance to students in fastening their seatbelts and ensure that they are properly strapped
in throughout the journey. Insures all students are seated at all times on the bus
Oversee student behavior within the bus and intervene during untoward incidents such as bullying
Reports any delays in pickup/drop off to parents
Prepare reports such as attendance, schedules and student