- Support departmental developments of SEN provision.
- Monitor progress towards targets for pupils with SEN.
- Analyse and interpret relevant school, local and national data to inform practice.
- Liaise with staff, parents, external agencies and other schools to coordinate their
contribution, provide maximum support and ensure continuity of provision.
- Work with the Principal, HoS, teachers, support staff and pastoral staff to ensure all
pupils' learning is of equal importance and that there are high and realistic
expectations of pupils.
- Teaching and Learning
- Identify and adopt the most effective teaching approaches for SEN students.
- Monitor teaching and learning activities to meet the needs of SEN students.
- Liaise with other schools to ensure continuity of support and learning when
transferring SEN students.
- Promote Inclusion best practice and contribute to the aims and ethos of the school
through invited attendance at the senior leadership team and when possible,
attendance at school events.
- Recording and Assessment
- Set targets for raising achievement among SEND students and other groups as
- Collect and interpret specialist assessment and performance data and share with
other staff and Directors as appropriate.
- Set up systems for identifying SEND and assessing and reviewing SEND provision.
- This includes creating and monitoring provision maps with class teachers and learning
support assistants.
- Update the Principal and SLT directors on the effectiveness of provision for SEND
- Keep parents informed about their child's progress through individual meetings and
at parents’ evenings.
- As necessary, prepare applications and co-ordinate and attend annual reviews.
Assist EAL in making applications for additional support, time and/or specific papers
for end of Key Stage assessments.
- Maintain the SEND/Inclusion register.
-Evaluate the effectiveness of provision through meetings with staff, students and
Leadership :
- Ensure all members of staff are able to recognise and fulfil their statutory
responsibilities to SEND students
- Provide training opportunities for learning support assistants and teachers to learn
about Inclusion, including whole-school Inset.